Join Annie Deng, a top marketing strategist and storyteller as she brings your story to life to educate the Chinese people about Australia and help you get more clients for less.
Annie has started this bilingual (English and Chinese) blog to strategically promote Aussie businesses to the Chinese market through storytelling. Through Australian parenting stories, Annie also gives the Chinese community a rare opportunity to dive deep into the Australian way of life!
Annie interviews business owners and managers about your business and parenting journey. She then get the interview audio transcribed and translated into Chinese before carefully crafting the story to appeal to the Chinese mass.
It’s through captivating stories that we form connections and help each other learn and grow. Annie’s enthusiasm for learning and her passion for giving combined with unique stories from Australian businesses about parenting, family and the Australian lifestyle provides the perfect combination to offer the Chinese community a rare opportunity to dive deep into the Australian way of life while allowing Australian businesses to form deeper connections with the Chinese market.
Thanks to Annie’s big network of highly influential people both here in Australia and in China, including influencers with millions of followers, your parenting story and business will get the opportunity to be exposed to millions of Chinese shoppers who are eager to open their wallet for quality Aussie products and services.
Annie can also help connect you with Chinese big buyers, suppliers, importers, exporters who are looking for Aussie products and projects. In addition, Annie can help you find the right Chinese marketing agencies / consultants to set you up for success in doing business in China.
Through this website, Annie harnesses her unique skills and her strong influence within both the Australian and Chinese communities to share stories between the cultures so both communities can learn, connect and work with each other.
If you are an Australian, a parent and a business owner, the Chinese community is waiting to hear your story and Annie is the perfect facilitator to share that story. Book your interview today and have your business promoted to millions of Chinese people without pushy sales techniques or faceless selling.
All edited interview transcripts, translation and stories will be approved by you before being posted live to this parenting blog and your business contact details will be made available alongside your interview and on our resource page making it easy for both the Australian and Chinese market to contact you.
Schedule an interview with Annie and let her help you take your business to the next level!
Annie Deng is a Chinese born marketing strategist and enthusiastic storyteller living and working in Australia. She holds a masters degree in marketing as well as an advanced diploma in translating and interpreting.
Having moved to Australia over 12 years ago, Annie has put down strong roots in Australian by growing a strong community around her, marrying her Australian husband and welcoming their daughter in 2014.
Annie currently works alongside her husband Neil Carstairs as head of marketing in their mortgage brokerage business, Mortgage Corp. She is proud to have a loving and supportive husband by her side and to have grown their business from a relatively unknown brand into the thriving business it is today.
Considered more ‘Aussie’ than the typical Chinese living in Australia, Annie has chosen to harness her unique skills and share her extensive knowledge through this parenting website that has the combined advantage of promoting Australian Businesses to the Chinese community (both inside and outside Australia) while also helping the Chinese community gain greater insights into the Australian lifestyle.
Most Chinese immigrants in Australia live in an insulated environment and they long to connect with the Aussie community but find it hard due to language and culture difference. It’s hard for Chinese immigrants to integrate into the Australian life, let alone those Chinese who are currently live in China. Chinese people have been known to love Australian made products, but what many people don’t realise, more and more Chinese people, especially those who are well educated and wealthy, desire the western education, especially parenting, they long for the freedom, the clean air and the beautiful land which Australia is well known for worldwide.
You may think your story is nothing but ordinary but to millions of Chinese people, it’s just extraordinary. Even things like what you eat, what you do for fun, what your kids do while at school and after school… It’s all new and fascinating to them.
As a natural storyteller, Annie knows the best way to connect with people is through inspiring and entertaining stories and what better way to connect two different cultures than through stories that encompass common interests, shared goals and comparable challenges.
Since becoming a mum in 2014, Annie has strived to be the best parent she can be. She has studied parenting courses, read a lot of parent books and website, and has been actively involved in many mother’s groups both online and in her local area.
Having her daughter has opened up a whole new and exciting world for Annie and she has made so many wonderful friends and has learned a great deal about parenting in the process.
First-hand experience has shown Annie that when she is connecting with other mums, being more hands-on with her daughter and increasing her knowledge around parenting, she is a calmer more connected mother. This, in turn, creates a positive impact on her daughter. On the other hand, when she is rushed, busy, focusing too much on other unimportant things and not taking the time to connect with her network of other mothers or spend quality time with her daughter, she is less patient, more stressed and this impacts negatively on her family.
Annie believes parents, especially mums, instinctively know what’s best for their children but as an eager learner, she is always interested in seeking out new information and knowledge around becoming a better parent.
Now, Annie is often sought out by friends and family for parenting advice, and she often shares her parenting stories, challenges, recommendations and solutions among her network.
Since having her daughter, Annie wanted to start a parenting blog to share her knowledge and experience with the Chinese community but after writing down some of her own parenting stories she felt that only sharing her own stories would limit the greater opportunity. There had to be a better way
One day, that way became clear. As she’s talking with her friends in a mum entrepreneur group and everyone was sharing their challenges, experiences, tips and solutions, she knew that was the answer. Instead of blogging about her own parenting stories, which may benefit only a few people, she would interview Australian business owners in a variety of industries and fields inviting them to share their personal and parenting stories alongside their business story.
Coming from a Chinese background, Annie has always maintained a strong passion around education and she has always had a huge desire to share her knowledge for the greater good.
Annie feels strongly that her knowledge and experience of the Australian way of life can benefit Chinese parents enormously, and she wants to incorporate her knowledge alongside thousands of other Australians through personal stories.
In China, many children are literally raised in a protected environment by their grandparents while their parents work away from home or even at home. Whilst it’s great to have grandparents around, children raised by grandparents tend to be more spoiled and dependent as grandparents tend to hover over them and do things for them. Most Chinese parents are also reluctant, or even embarrassed to show open affection towards each other and their children (Chinese dads in particular rarely play or interact with their children the way Aussie dads do), and while the Chinese people call themselves “LI YI ZHI BANG”, meaning the country of good manners, it is often strangers and non-relatives that the Chinese show their good manners to and not to each other… Their nearest and dearest.
In Australia however, Annie has noticed a far more laid-back lifestyle. Fathers are more involved and hands-on with their children and partner, Australian children are given a greater freedom to explore and play and love and support for each other is shown openly through affection and kind gestures.
Seeing the way Australian parent their children inspires Annie to share these stories with the Chinese community, to touch their hearts, encourage new thinking, gain a better understanding of the Australian culture and change the outdated ‘grandparents are the parents’ and ‘married but a single mum’ phenomena which is quite common in China.
Unfortunately, many Chinese migrants living in Australia still maintain the Chinese lifestyle. Many of them have limited English, despite living in Australia for many years, and tend to keep within the Chinese community in Australia. This not only limits their understanding of the Australian culture, but they fail to experience real ‘Aussie Living’ and the enormous rewards that come with it.
Annie sets herself apart from her Chinese counterparts by enthusiastically plunging head first into the Australian way of life and she is reaping the magnificent benefits in return. By sharing personal stories from Australians about parenting, business and all things ‘Aussie’, Annie knows she can help other Chinese people embrace the Australian way of life like she has so they can integrate into the Australian community with greater ease when they are studying, travelling or migrating to live permanently in Australia.
Sharing these stories has the added bonus of not only educating Chinese people and parents but also providing Australian businesses with the opportunity to raise their profile and grow their business within the Chinese community.
Annie is a big influencer within the Chinese communities both here in Australia and China and is already sharing her knowledge about each country naturally through the conversations she has with her network.
She is often asked by her Chinese friends about Australian products, where to travel in Australia and how to better understand Australian etiquette. While her Australian friends also ask her questions about China, how to sell to the Chinese market and the dos and don’ts of dealing with the Chinese people.
Her experience and passion around marketing and storytelling have shown her that people are more interested in things that interest them, so instead of simply talking about Australian products, services and businesses, Annie will tap into to information that is not often shared. Interviews will be focused around information such as; How Australian’s are raising their children to be independent, confident and happy. What features make up the Australian way of life. How Australian’s carry out their daily life. What are the best travel destinations within Australia, and how Australian’s spend their spare time.
The goal of every interview is to paint a real picture of Australian life. And, since everyone is different and every story is unique, by reading different people’s stories the reader will get a realistic picture of the lives Aussies live and the Australian culture.
Through captivating stories, readers will naturally be drawn to the stories that resonate with them, they will want to find out more about those people, their business and the products and services they offer.
The Chinese community will not only learn far more about the Australian way of life than ever before but will be more likely to trust these business people and be more inclined to do business with them.
Annie provides the perfect connection to bridge the gap between the Western world and China. She will capture your story expertly and gracefully and translate it so it’s available to a wide audience.
Annie will capture your story through relaxed and enjoyable conversation and will craft this information into a beautifully written story that is transcribed and translated into both English and Chinese.
Your story, along with all others will be available free for everyone, both in the Chinese and Australian communities in Australia and China, to benefit from. And thanks to Annie’s large and highly influential network in China, your story and business are likely to be shared by Chinese influencers with millions of followers and get exposed to hundreds of millions of Chinese shoppers who are eager to get their hands on quality Aussie products and services.
Interviews generally last around two hours and can be carried out over the phone, Skype or Facebook. If you are located in Melbourne a face-to-face interview can be arranged.
All edited interview transcripts, translated stories will be approved by your before being posted live to this parenting blog and your business contact details will be made available alongside your interview and on our resource page making it easy for both the Australian and Chinese market to contact you. You will be asked to supply family photos and business related images to compliment your story and make it sound more genuine and appealing to the Chinese audience, after all, one picture worth ten thousand words!
Annie can also provide complimentary marketing advice to small businesses as requested.
If you are an Australian small business that would like the opportunity to share your story, including business insights, personal journey and family life, then you are invited to book an interview with Annie.
澳大利亚顶级营销战略家, 高级翻译, 澳洲通, 中澳混血妈妈安妮·邓采访来自各行各业的澳大利亚西人父母,从普普通通的清洁工,老师,工程师到赫赫有名的公司老总及澳洲政府官员, 通过精彩动人,富有感染力的澳洲育儿故事为中国和世界介绍展示澳洲淳朴的风土人情,丰富多彩的生活及澳洲经商之道。让广大华人客观全面了解澳大利亚教育,礼仪,生活,风光,商务及生意经。
安妮还与丈夫 Neil Carstairs 一起创办了墨尔本房贷中介 Mortgage Corp,现任市场营销总监。他们白手起家,将 Mortgage Corp 从一个默默无闻的小公司打造成如今蓬勃发展的知名品牌。安妮为有一个能和自己同甘共苦的模范丈夫而倍感骄傲。
十几年前,青春洋溢的安妮一踏上澳洲这块土地就深深地爱上了墨尔本淳朴热情的本地人和简单悠闲的乡村生活,安妮生性开朗外向加上英语好的优势,很快就融入了澳洲生活,同时结识了一大帮澳洲本地朋友。大学毕业后工作,社交,谈恋爱,结婚也都几乎在澳洲西人的圈子里。直到生了混血宝宝后,为了让孩子学习中文,安妮开始主动结交中国朋友。随着安妮 华人朋友的增多,慢慢的,安妮发现一个“奇怪现象” :绝大多数澳洲华人,包括很多在澳洲生活工作了几十年的中国人,都生活在华人圈子里,对澳洲本地人的生活,习惯,工作,社交了解甚少。难怪澳洲人对中国移民多有误解,同胞朋友也每每为“种族歧视”而愤愤不平。通过深入了解,Annie发现其实并不是像大家说的移民素质差,也并不是所有澳洲人都歧视中国人,其实只是文化差异而已。不一样的文化背景,生活习惯加上语言障碍让很多移民特别是中国移民无法融入到澳洲本地生活。安妮 极其渴望能够帮助中国同胞更深刻地了解融入澳洲本地人的生活。安妮更希望能够让中国移民孩子跟澳洲本地孩子更多接触,改变移民后代受歧视的状况。除了移民,安妮也希望让越来越多的中国留学生,来澳旅游探亲的中国同胞们能够在出中国前学习了解澳洲本地人的生活习惯,社交礼仪,文化风景。
Annie 原本希望通过分享自己的育儿故事来展示澳洲生活的方方面面,但是写了一些文章后就发现自己的经历是没有代表性的。突然有一天,Annie 在跟一帮澳洲本地商人妈妈朋友们闲聊她们创业及带娃过程中的酸甜苦辣时,Annie意识到她的素材就在身边,她决定采访她的妈妈朋友们,让每个人来分享她们的育儿故事。这样的不仅中国同胞就连澳洲本地父母都可以通过别人的育儿故事中学到东西。中国俗话说的好,”三人行,必有我师焉;择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。” 也就是说 别人的言行举止,必定有值得我学习的地方。选择别人好的学习,看到别人缺点,反省自身有没有同样的缺点,如果有,加以改正。” 同时Annie 让妈妈朋友们分享孩子的作息,业余活动,旅游。。。。。。 这样中国同胞能够更全面地了解不同澳洲人的不同生活,以便学习。
Annie 慢慢地将采访对象从自己的澳洲本地朋友扩展到自各行各业的澳大利亚西人父母,从普普通通的清洁工,老师,工程师到赫赫有名的公司老总及澳洲政府官员。通过讲述澳洲各个阶层人的育儿故事,总结分享西方本地人的育儿理念和实战经验,Annie 希望中国同胞们能对澳洲本地人的生活,工作,旅游,育儿有一个全面的了解,为中国移民,留学生,游客融入澳洲本地生活打基础。
Harcourts 业务经理Jane畅谈其培养四个极其优秀女儿的育儿故事
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