The Richest Aussie Kid
Melbourne Cleaner’s Parenting Story
澳洲育儿故事主人公简介:Cooper & Sharon
Cooper,12岁半,男孩,小学6年级,家住澳大利亚墨尔本, 快乐开朗,有时情绪化,爱逗乐,爱开讽刺性的小玩笑.
Sharon,Cooper的妈妈,(单亲妈妈, -两年前跟老公分居),Sharon在幼教行业里做了23年,最近刚刚转行做家政,主要做家庭清洁。最近还学了个婴儿按摩课程。
Sharon, currently living in Melbourne, is a proud single mum for a 12.5 years old boy Cooper. After 23 years working in 23 years in childcare, absolutely adored the kids, Sharon has decided to have a career change and got into domestic cleaning. She has also recently completed a baby massage course!
采访人:Annie Deng – 安妮·邓
Annie Deng安妮·邓,澳洲顶级营销战略家, 高级翻译, 澳洲通, 中澳混血妈妈,移民澳大利亚十多年,现任澳洲投资房贷 Mortgage Corp市场总监。Annie采访来自各行各业的澳大利亚西人父母,从普普通通的清洁工,老师,工程师到赫赫有名的公司老总及澳洲政府官员, 通过精彩动人,富有感染力的澳洲育儿故事为中国和世界介绍展示澳洲淳朴的风土人情,丰富多彩的生活及澳洲经商之道。让广大华人客观全面了解澳大利亚教育,礼仪,生活,风光,商务及生意经。
Join Annie Deng, a top marketing strategist and storyteller as she brings your story to life to educate the Chinese people about Australia and raise your business profile within the Chinese community.
Thanks to Annie’s big network of highly influential people both here in Australia and in China, including influencers with millions of followers, your parenting story and business will get the opportunity to be exposed to millions of Chinese shoppers who are eager to open their wallet for quality Aussie products and services.
Book an interview with Annie today today and have your business promoted to millions of Chinese people without pushy sales techniques or faceless selling.
When asked how she would describe herself as a parent, Sharon said, “Totally awesome! (laugh) young at heart, fun loving, pretty relaxed, chill, outgoing. I’m the only mum when dropping Cooper at school, will go into the classroom and mess around with him and play with his hair, cuddle him in front of his mates, annoy him a bit, but he still loves it.”
“我是一个超级棒的母亲!哈哈。我有一颗年轻爱玩的心,外向,放松,随意!” Sharon 在给自己是否是个好母亲这个问题上打了99分。
P.S. Sharon和她老公是高中同学,青梅竹马,16岁就在一起了,牵手走过了22年的时光。
Sharon 的育儿故事采访记录
Sharon’sParenting Story Interview Notes
Annie Deng: 带娃过程中你遇到的最大的挑战是什么?What’s one of the greatest challenges in raising your children?
Sharon: 当问到在带娃过程中遇到的最大的挑战时,Sharon的笑脸上闪过一丝忧郁,叹了一口气:“钱”!“尤其是当我不能满足Cooper的一些基本需求的时候,我会对自己生气,特别内疚。”
Cooper starts to understand the money concept, so he always wants something and everything costs money”
“It’s challenging to explain to him I don’t have the money!”
“Sometimes, he’ll come and give me a big cuddle and pad on my back, ‘that’s ok mum, I’m here!'”
Annie Deng: 你一般怎样跟孩子解释家里没有钱呢? How do you explain to Cooper that you don’t have any extra money?
Sharon: “我会把每月的账单拿出来给Cooper看,除了每天柴米油盐酱醋茶的花费,我们所剩无几了”。 “他现在慢慢开始明白但是毕竟是孩子,有时候他也知道家里没钱,但是每次逛商场还是难免会想要买东西。不过比以前要好了很多了。”
“I try to explain this how much we have for shopping and bills, then I show him the bills, once the bills are paid, we don’t have anything left. But he’s a still a kid, although he knows we don’t have money, he still asks for things whenever we are at the shops. But he’s much better than before.”
Annie Deng: 关于金钱方面,你是怎样教育他的?How do you teach him about money?
Sharon: 我一般每周给他5块钱零花钱。他的任务就是做一些力所能及的家务,比如帮着刷碗,早晚开关百叶窗,打扫他自己的房间,叠被子等等。还有就是收拾好他的乐高。他有很多的乐高,我的规矩是所有乐高必须放在一个大箱子里,不能到处扔。
“When he does stuff around the house,I give him pocket money. I often tell him I’m not your slave, don’t leave things everywhere.”
Annie Deng: 你从“没钱”这件恼人事中得到什么样的收获? What have you learnt from your challenge?
Sharon: 我希望Cooper能慢慢明白天上不会掉馅饼下来的,要努力奋斗才能收获,不能坐在家里什么都不做,期待钞票从天而降。
Hopefully, Cooper soon realises money doesn’t grow on trees, you have to work to earn money, you can’t sit around and expect to fall on your lap, in return it gives you responsibility to earn money.
日程安排 -Routine
7点: 起床,开暖气,Cooper会看一会iPad或是看电视
8点: 准备早餐,吃早餐,提醒Cooper把午饭装进书包里
3点30分:从学校接他回家,每周会有两至三次,我们会去学校对门的便利店给他买点零食,冰激凌,他的最爱是pepper magnum
4点: 到家之后,把书包里面的东西拿出来整理好,然后做作业,看书或者看电视,玩乐高
5点30分:我做饭,Cooper看电视或者玩乐高 Cooper负责拿水到餐桌上吃完饭之后,他会再看一会电视
如何放松自己 -Self care
- Massage! 一个月至少去一次附近的中式按摩店,按摩肩颈,我的肩颈很酸痛。
- Dirt bike! 在野外泥土地里开摩托车。我和前夫还有儿子Cooper都是一个dirt bike俱乐部的会员。俱乐部每月会有一次聚会。我特喜欢在户外,呼吸着新鲜的空气,很享受开着摩托车在野外飞奔的自由感觉,特别放松,压力,担忧。
You feel free and enjoy the atmosphere and the fresh air, it takes your stress/worries away.”
Annie Deng: 在抚育孩子这方面,你和孩子的父亲之间是怎样分工合作的呢? How are you sharing your parent role with your partner/spouse?
Sharon: 金钱方面,孩子的父亲会支付赡养费,少得可怜。但如果Cooper想要买一些东西,他还是会给钱Cooper的。Cooper有35%的时间是跟着爸爸的。他是一个好爸爸,他会带Cooper出去玩,如果我这边需要帮助的话,也可以打电话给他。
He pays for the minimal child support. But he’s a good dad, he’ll take Cooper out. And if I need help, I can also call him.
Annie Deng: Cooper最喜欢吃的菜是什么?What’s Cooper’s favourite dish?
- Spaghetti 意大利面
- Chicken breast covered with breadcrumb 炸鸡
Annie Deng: 你有过“我真不是一个好妈妈”的时候吗?Share a time when you felt like you were not a good parent
- 当我因为没有钱不能给予Cooper的时候,我觉得自己不是一个好妈妈
When I can’t give enough to cooper as I don’t have money.
Annie Deng: 到目前为止最值得你骄傲或者最开心的亲子时刻是什么?What is your proudest or happiest parenting moment so far?
- 和Cooper一起在野外泥土地里开摩托车,尤其当他秀车技,骑飞车,又不会摔倒的时候,哈哈
- When he does jump and he doens’t fall off. He’s growing up to third bike,
Annie Deng: 孩子最喜欢的玩具是什么?What’s Cooper’s favourite toy?
- 小汽车和乐高
- Cars and LEGO
Annie Deng: 在抚养孩子的过程中,你觉得哪一部分最能让你体验身为人母的快乐?What do you love most about being a parent?
所有一切。Cooper是我生命的全部。 “Cooper! He’s my life! He makes happy, he also makes me angry, lol”
Annie Deng: 最喜欢和孩子做什么?What do enjoy doing the most with Cooper?
“Bike ride or watch TV on the couch together. I’ll keep him home during the day if I could”! (laugh)
Annie Deng: 和孩子一起最难忘的一次旅行 Have you travelled anywhere and that you absolutely loved? Where did you go?
Queensland, Gold Coast. When Cooper was 10. We went to Seaworld and Dreamworld.
Annie Deng: 旅游中最难忘的是什么? What did you love most about that trip?
一家人在一起的时间。Family time
Annie Deng: 给带孩子出门旅游的父母的建议 Share a tip for parents travelling with kids
Never let them out of your sight
育儿支招 Parenting Tips
- 言出必行,不要半途改变主意。Say firm, never go back to a decision you make
- 好好珍惜与他们相处的时光,孩子长得太快了. Enjoy your time with them, they grow up too quickly
What do you think of the story? What stories would you like to hear and what other questions would you like to include, leave a message here or email us info@miamadeinaustralia.com