Losing Sleep Worrying About Unmarried Adult Children Living At Home?
About Sylvia Tyers 澳洲育儿故事主人公简介:希尔薇娅·泰尔斯
Marital Status 婚姻状况:Happily Married 已婚
Kids & Age 孩子年龄: 28 year old daughter, 2 stepsons and 3 grandchildren 1个28岁的女儿,2个成人继子,3个孙子
Pets 宠物: 8 cats, 2 dogs and 1 magpie 8 只猫,2条狗,1只喜鹊
City 居住城市: Mansfield, Australia , 澳大利亚曼斯菲尔德
Occupation 职业: Self employed 自由职业
Company 公司:Inner Origin
Biggest parenting challenge 和女儿相处中最大的挑战是什么:Caring for the menagerie! When Laura moved home she brought with her 2 cats and a dog. We already had 2 cats and a dog. 照顾我家这个庞大的“动物园”!劳拉搬回家住时,还带了她的两只猫和一只狗,然而,我家那时候已经有两只猫和一只狗了。
Kid’s favourite holiday 女儿最喜欢的一次旅行: We went to the UK and France when Laura was 17 years old. Laura developed a bit more confidence as things were changing all the time (during the trip). 在劳拉17岁时,我们一起去过英国和法国。 劳拉在旅途中比以前更自信一些了。
Parenting Tip 给家有成年父母的建议:let them know you love them but that their stay is only short-term!
“You don’t have to be in a relationship to be happy and have a good life!I’m happy if my daughter is happy. ”
- 希尔薇娅·泰尔斯(Sylvia Tyers)
Sylvia is an Advocate and Partner at Inner Origin, a marketplace for wholesome and natural products. Inner Origin is working on a Chinese e-commerce website to enable Daigou and other Chinese to buy natural and certified organic products directly from Australia and other trusted places.
Sylvia currently lives in Mansfield, Australia with her husband, her 28 year old daughter and 8 cats, 2 dogs and 1 magpie. Sylvia is an active volunteer in her local community and the International Manager for the Girl Guides Victoria, a volunteer organisation for girls and women in Australia.
希尔薇娅是Inner Origin的倡导者和合作伙伴。Inner Origin是个提供健康,纯天然产品的网上购物平台。Inner Origin正在建立一个中国电子商务平台,让代购和其他中国消费者都能够直接购买来自澳大利亚和其他可信赖的地方天然的,被认证的有机产品。
希尔薇娅现居住在澳大利亚的曼斯菲尔德。她和丈夫,28岁的女儿,8只猫,2只狗,还有1只喜鹊住在一起。 希尔薇娅是当地社区的积极志愿者。同时,她也是女孩向导团 (Girl Scouts)(一个针对生活在澳大利亚的女孩子和妇女们的志愿者机构)维多利亚州分部的国际部经理。
采访人:Annie Deng – 安妮·邓
Join Annie Deng, a top marketing strategist and storyteller as she brings your story to life to educate the Chinese people about Australia and raise your business profile within the Chinese community.
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Annie Deng安妮·邓,澳洲顶级营销战略家, 高级翻译, 澳洲通, 中澳混血妈妈,移民澳大利亚十多年,现任澳洲投资房贷 Mortgage Corp市场总监。Annie采访来自各行各业的澳大利亚西人父母,从普普通通的清洁工,老师,工程师到赫赫有名的公司老总及澳洲政府官员, 通过真实的澳洲育儿访谈故事为中国和世界介绍展示澳洲淳朴的风土人情,丰富多彩的生活及澳洲经商之道。让广大华人客观全面了解澳大利亚教育,礼仪,生活,风光,商务及生意经。
Parenting Story Interview Transcript 访谈纪录
Annie Deng: 请先聊聊有关你自己和你的家庭吧。你有两段婚姻和一个大家庭。Tell me a bit about you and your family. You’ve got 2 marriages and a large family?
Sylvia Tyers: It is a large extended family. I met my husband Graeme when he was separated from his first wife Lynne. We are close to Lynne and stay with her when in Melbourne. Lynne has a daughter Emma from her second marriage and Laura and her are like sisters. Graeme and I eventually married and moved to rural Victoria: Mansfield. We’ve probably been here about 21 years. We were drawn to Mansfield as we had friends who lived here and by the Rudolf Steiner school which had a holistic approach to teaching a child and we loved that concept.
I’m a member of the Girl Guides in Victoria- my role is the International Manager, this is a volunteer position. My main job is interviewing the girls and leaders who want to travel overseas with the Girl Guides and also checking their references. It’s been fantastic. I’m also a volunteer visitor. I visit a lovely gentleman every second week just to give him a different face to look at. He loves crosswords, his eyesight’s not the best now so I read the clues out and he fills out the crossword. It’s a really nice time. I’m part of Volunteer Victoria as well. If there’s an emergency, this particular group of volunteers is called out to help with whatever we get directed to do.
Annie Deng: 你们搬去曼斯菲尔德就是为了孩子给孩子一个好环境?You moved to Mansfield because it was better for the child?
Sylvia Tyers: 鲁道夫·斯坦纳学校注重学生的身心全面发展,对学生的精神方面也是如此。并不是从宗教的角度,他们着重于培养学生追求更远大的目标以及使命感。这些教育理念正是这所学校的普普通通外表下的闪光之处。而且,曼斯菲尔德整个城市氛围很不错,我们再也不用每天穿过拥挤的交通去工作。
The Rudolph Steiner school look at the whole child. The spiritual side as well, but not from a religious perspective, it focuses more on developing their connection with something greater than themselves. They put crystals in the mud brick walls when building the school. Also there was just a really nice vibe to Mansfield. No more tackling congested city traffic to get to work!
Annie Deng: 让我们聊聊女孩向导团吧。Tell me about the Girl’s Guide.
Sylvia Tyers: ”女孩向导团“是由巴登 – 鲍威尔勋爵发起的。他作为一名童子军参与了战争,在军队中负责跟踪任务。他想把自己的这份经历分享给其他男孩子们,于是在英国的水晶宫举行了一次大型会议。一群女孩出席了会议,并要求他为女孩子们也做些什么。这就是女孩引导团的起因,现在这个组织已经遍布全世界。这是一个女孩子参加活动的安全场所,活动内容包括户外体验,团队合作,国际旅行,等等。父母们知道,因为我们在印度的Sangam有一个女孩向导团中心,他们14岁的女儿在那边参加活动会很安全。同时,我们还在瑞士,墨西哥,英国等地设有中心。女孩子们成组举行活动,这是她们培养自信心的绝好机会。因为宗教,文化等各种原因,有的女孩子不能参加学校的课后活动,维多利亚州女孩向导团给这样的女孩子们提供了一个避风港。有的学校也组织向导团活动。SBS电视台对女孩向导团做过专访,现在女孩向导团特别受欢迎,以至于有的学校加入前还需要提前报名等待。如今,女孩向导团提倡在技术,随机应变和传统价值观之间相互协调。
Girl Guides was started by Lord Baden-Powell. He was involved in the war as a scout, tracking in the army. He wanted to give boys this experience. He had a large meeting at the Crystal Palace in the UK. A group of girls attended the meeting and demanded he do something for girls as well. That’s how Girl Guides started. It’s worldwide now, some places call them Girl Scouts. It’s a safe place for girls to come and be girls. It involves outdoor experiences, teamwork, international travel… Parents know that their 14 year old girl could travel to Sangam in India where we have a center and know their daughter will be safe. We also have centers in Switzerland, Mexico, the UK. The girls meet in groups called Units. It’s an opportunity for them to develop self confidence. Girl Guides Victoria is an inroad for minority girls who can’t be involved in after school activities because of their culture. There’s an opportunity for them to do Guides at some schools. It featured on SBS. It has been so popular that some schools have waiting lists. Nowadays, Guides is a balancing act between technology and the need for things to happen instantly plus the need to keep old values as well.
Annie Deng:怎么样可以加入女孩向导团呢?How can you get involved in Girl Guides?
Sylvia Tyers: 可以联系女孩向导团维多利亚州总部,她们会为你找到最近的分部。
Contact Girl Guides Victoria head office. They will direct them to their nearest unit.
Annie Deng: 很多人加入童子军,但是也有很多女孩参加,所以现在变成了”儿童军“。Lots of people do Boy Scouts, but girls are involved too so it’s Scouts now.
Sylvia Tyers: 是的。但是女孩向导团只允许女孩子参加。有些女孩子更适合在女孩的环境中成长,做真正的自己。
That’s right. But with Girl Guides, only girls are allowed. Some girls will flourish best in a girls-only environment where they can be themselves
Annie Deng: 聊聊你的家庭吧。Tell me about your family.
Sylvia Tyers: 我有一个女儿劳拉和两个继子格伦和罗伯特,还有三个孙子布罗克,伊丽莎和波迪。 我女儿劳拉今年28岁,目前和我还有我丈夫住在一起。因为住在一起让,我们母女之间的关系变得非常亲密,真的很好。 劳拉喜欢动物,在RSPCA工作。 我们最喜欢做的事情,尤其是下雨的时候,就是蜷缩在沙发上一起看电影。
I have a daughter and 2 step sons Glenn and Rob as well as 3 step grandchildren, Brock, Eliza and Bodhi. My daughter Laura is 28, currently living with me and my husband, which is really good because it’s given us the opportunity to become quite close. She loves animals and works in the RSPCA. Our favorite thing to do, especially when it’s raining, is to curl up on the couch and watch Netflix.
Annie Deng: 你女儿28岁未婚,跟你们住在一起。你担心她吗?Your daughter is 28, unmarried and living at home. Are you worried?
Sylvia Tyers: 我希望她能碰到能和她结伴终身的伴侣,她现在的男朋友也许就是那个人。 不过,快乐和幸福的生活跟有没有伴侣没有直接联系。她只要每天开开心心的,我就很欣慰啦。
I’d love to see her meet somebody who she’ll end up with. Her current boyfriend could be the one. However, you don’t have to be in a relationship to be happy and have a good life. I’m happy if she’s happy.
Annie Deng: 说得好!和女儿生活在一起有哪些挑战呢?Very good point! Do you have any challenges with your daughter living at home?
Sylvia Tyers: 对我来说唯一的挑战就是如何照顾我家这个庞大的“动物园”!劳拉搬回家住时,还带了她的两只猫和一只狗,然而,我家那时候已经有两只猫和一只狗了。没办法,劳拉对动物的热爱和我们的软心肠意味着我家现在变成了拥有两只狗和八只猫的大家庭!现在,我丈夫还在照料一只在我家前院被遗弃的喜鹊。劳拉的狗狗马科斯是一只大型犬,非常英俊惹人喜欢。我们有时候还会从防止虐待动物协会寄养猫。和这么多动物住在一起,我们根本不能指望离开家超过一个月。因为照顾它们的工作量实在太大,必须有合适的人照看这些动物们。
Only one – caring for the menagerie! When Laura moved home she brought with her 2 cats and a dog. We already had 2 cats and a dog. Her love of animals and our being soft touches means that we are now a household with two dogs and the cats have increased to eight. . Plus my husband’s currently caring for a magpie that he noticed was being neglected in our front yard. Her dog Max is a big, loving, gorgeous soppy dog. We sometimes foster cats from the RSPCA. With that many animals, we can’t look at going away for a month or anything like that, that would be too much for somebody. You’d have to have the right person.
Annie Deng: 在女儿眼中你是位什么样的妈妈?What kind of mum would your daughter say you are?
Sylvia Tyers: 劳拉爱她的妈妈!我陪她共同经历了很多生活中的起伏,我俩的关系也因此变的比以往更加亲密。有青春期的孩子的父母是最难当的,因为孩子身心各个方面都在经历各种各样的变化,你怎么做孩子都不认可。现在劳拉已经成年,我们现在就不仅是母女关系,我们也成为彼此的朋友,相互支持,互相关心。
She loves her mum! I’ve been there through her ups and downs and we’ve become a lot closer. When you’re child’s a teenager, they’re going through all sorts of stuff and you can’t seem do the right thing. Now that Laura is an adult we’ve become friends as well as mother and daughter. We support and care for each other.
Annie Deng: 劳拉在你眼里是个什么样的女儿呢?What kind of daughter would you say she is?
Sylvia Tyers: 劳拉让我很骄傲。她上班的地方要开一小时车程的乡间小路,这意味着每天早上8点钟天还没亮时就要出发。劳拉不喜欢黑天开车,因为有可能会撞到袋鼠。有一回,她确实撞上了袋鼠。劳拉是个非常友善,外向,坚强的女孩。她自己没有意识到,其实她很坚强。劳拉思想很开放,她好几个好朋友都是同性恋,有的人会比较顾虑这个。她很有爱心,特爱小动物。
I’m very proud of her. The job with the RSPCA is over an hour from here and through country roads. She starts at 8am which means leaving home while it is still dark. She doesn’t like driving in the dark because of the risk of hitting a kangaroo. This did happen to her. She’s a very friendly, outgoing person and is stronger than she thinks she is. Laura is very open minded where people are concerned with some of her closest friends being gay. She is very nurturing and has a great love of animals.
Annie Deng: 你能想到一个女儿令你感到自豪的时刻吗?Can you think of a moment when she made you proudest?
Sylvia Tyers: 我时时刻刻都为她感到骄傲。她会做很不错的决定,同时也知道根据事情发展情况改变自己的决定。
I’m proud of her all the time. She makes pretty good decisions and knows when to change a decision that isn’t working out for her.
Annie Deng: 你的日常作息是什么样子的?What kind of routine have you got?
Sylvia Tyers: 我的日常作息不是固定的,因为她的时间表经常变化。我们喜欢一起外出吃午饭,喜欢窝在沙发里一起看电影,喜欢闲聊度过休闲时间。
There’s no set days because her schedule changes. We like to go out for lunch. We like to veg on the couch and watch a couple of Netflix programmes. Just a general chat and chill.
Annie Deng: 你们经常一起吃什么?What kind of food do you enjoy together?
Sylvia Tyers: 劳拉最喜欢吃鸡蛋熏肉馅饼,土豆泥和罐装西红柿。我们全家都喜欢吃意粉和鸡肉,但是不太爱吃红肉。我们不常吃鱼类,因为不敢确定鱼从哪来的,干不干净。
Her favourite meal is bacon and egg pie, mashed potato and tinned tomatoes. We like pasta and eat a lot of chicken. We’re not big red meat eaters. Not much fish because you don’t know where it’s from and what’s in it.
Annie Deng: 谁负责做饭?Who cooks?
Sylvia Tyers: 我做饭,劳拉不经常做饭。并不因为劳拉和格雷姆不会做饭,只是我们家庭的分工安排。我喜欢烹饪,所以这就成了我的事情。我每天用新鲜食材做饭,很少叫外卖。偶尔我们会在外面吃午饭。刚结婚那段时间,我们经常举行晚宴。现在家庭晚宴不如以前那么多了。你需要花上一整天时间准备菜肴,所以我其实并不那么喜欢晚宴。现在比较随意,大家一起烤肉吃。厨房也是开放式的,更方便一边聊天一边做饭。过去,你必须躲在厨房独自做饭,也不想让别人见到乱糟糟的后厨。
Me. Laura not so much. It’s not that she doesn’t know how to, it’s just the way it is here. Graeme is also more than capable. That’s sort of my thing. I enjoy cooking. Fresh ingredients every day. We don’t have a lot of takeaway. We occasionally will have lunch out. When we were first married, we’d have dinner parties. You don’t tend to have them as much nowadays. I didn’t really enjoy them very much as you would spend all day getting ready and cooking. It’s more casual now with barbecues. Kitchens are also more open plan so when you’re cooking, you are more included, in the past, you had to hide it all and you didn’t want people seeing mess.
Annie Deng: 劳拉帮忙做家务吗?Does Laura help you with chores?
Sylvia Tyers: 她从十多岁开始就自己洗自己的衣服。她在家里的时候,负责喂狗还有给狗洗澡。除此之外,她没有具体的家务活。但是如果有什么家务需要帮忙,她肯定会参与进来的。
She does all her own washing. She has done since she was a teenager. She feeds and washes the dogs when she is home There’s not really other jobs that she does. If something needed to be done, she’d pitch in and help.
Annie Deng: 劳拉需要给你交房租和分付账单吗?Does she pay for bills and rent?
Sylvia Tyers:她不付任何家庭账单,但是她负责给动物们买食物。她会买优质的干燥的猫粮和狗粮。这些对动物们的牙齿有好处,防止牙垢积聚在牙齿上。否则,如果它们的牙齿出现问题的话非常麻烦,因为那不仅价格昂贵,而且需要打麻醉剂。
Not household bills. Her contribution is food for the animals. She buys quality dry cat and dog food that’s good for them dentally to prevent tartar build up on the teeth. It can be quite expensive to get that removed as they need to be put under an anaesthetic.
Annie Deng: 你和劳拉一起旅行吗?Have you travelled with Laura?
Sylvia Tyers: 我们一起去过新西兰好几次,因为在那边有亲戚。我在新西兰长大的。在劳拉15岁时,我们一起去过英国和法国。我妈妈是北爱尔兰人。我们和我姨妈住在一起。她上了年纪,自己独居在一个二层别墅里,非常健康活跃。我们在那边住了近两周。然后去巴黎和迪士尼乐园玩。劳拉在旅途中比以前更自信一些了。
Yes we have. We’ve been to New Zealand a number of times as we have family over there. I am originally from New Zealand. We went to the UK and France when Laura was 17 yrs old. My mother was from Northern Ireland. We stayed with her sister who is elderly but still . lives on her own in a two story house and is very fit and active. We stayed there for close to two weeks. We went to Paris and visited Disneyland as you do! Laura developed a bit more confidence as things were changing all the time.
Annie Deng: 你们最喜欢那次旅行的哪方面?What did you love about that trip?
Sylvia Tyers: 我一直想要去旅行。我们喜欢新加坡机场和新加坡,除了不太令人满意的住宿之外。我个人非常喜欢巴黎,但是劳拉和格雷姆不喜欢。能去不同的地方走走看看是很棒的,那种亲身体验的感觉很好。当然,最重要的一次旅行是第一次与我的爱尔兰家人见面。
I always wanted to travel. We loved Singapore Airport and Singapore, apart from the dodgy accommodation. I loved Paris but Laura and Graeme didn’t. It was fantastic to visit all the places that you have heard about. Being able to experience it was really lovely. The highlight of course was meeting my Irish family for the first time.
Annie Deng: 你最喜欢劳拉的什么?What do you enjoy most about Laura?
Sylvia Tyers: 我和劳拉之间的友谊。我们彼此关心爱护,这对我来说非常重要。我们知道当我们需要彼此的时候,对方会在那里。对我来说,这一点非常重要。
I enjoy the friendship and the fact that we have this really good relationship. The caring. It’s been really important to me that we’ve been able to develop this. We know we’re there for each other. That, to me, has been significant.
Annie Deng: 可以给其他跟你相同状况的(和成年的孩子们住在一起)家长们一点建议吗?Any tips for parents currently living with grown-up children?
Sylvia Tyers: 这不是容易的事。我和女儿住在一起很愉快,但是我也知道到有的人和搬回家住的孩子相处得并不愉快。但是作为家长,你能做什么呢?他们是你的孩子啊!没有简单的答案。劳拉跟我们住在一起,我很开心不过同时我也希望劳拉能有自己独立的生活,我知道这也是她所向往的。我能为其他家长朋友提供的建议就是:孩子不会永远跟你住在一起,让孩子们知道你爱他们!
It’s not always easy. It’s been good with my daughter but I know of others whose children have come back and it’s not worked. What can you do, they’re your children! There’s no easy answer. I’m happy with Laura being here, but I’d also like to see her having her own life as well that’s what she wants also. My tip would be, let them know you love them but that their stay is only short-term!
Annie Deng: 让我们来聊聊你的事业吧。你做什么,什么时候开始的,为什么选择这个行业?Let’s talk about your business. Tell me about what you do, when you started and why you got into it.
Sylvia Tyers: 大约一年前,在Inner Origin正处于启动阶段的时候我们加入了。我们喜欢公司的宗旨和运营理念。这是一个可以信赖的澳大利亚网上购物市场。所有在市场上销售的产品必须遵守“真实标签”的规定,按照市场价位合理定价。所有产品标签必须通过一个独立产品顾问委员会的审查,以确保商家声称的与产品实际相符合。Inner Origin为90多家澳大利亚企业的产品进行了宣传推广,包括有机化妆品,婴儿用品,疼痛管理设备,各种干杂货,保健品,运动服等等。产品系列还在一直增长。商户们都积极参与到Inner Origin这个平台上来。和很多其他大公司相比,Inner Origin的商户们更快得到报酬。同时,他们还有一大批倡导者,推广Inner Origin这个网络购物市场及产品。
We started with Inner Origin about a year ago when it was in it’s pre launch stage. We identified with the philosophy and the integrity of the company. It is an Australian online shopping marketplace that you can trust. All the products that are on the marketplace must adhere to ‘truth on label’ and be priced at market price. They must all be passed by an independent product advisory board for truth on the label. That buyers can trust what’s on the label is what’s in the product. Inner Origin promotes over 90 Australian businesses with amazing products. They include organic makeup, baby products, pain management devices, a wide range of dry groceries, health supplements, sportswear etc etc. and growing all the time. Merchants are jumping on board with Inner Origin as they get paid more promptly than with the large companies. They also have a large number of Advocates promoting the Inner Origin marketplace and therefore their products.
Annie Deng: 经营模式比较像eBay或者Amazon对吗?Is it like eBay or Amazon?
Sylvia Tyers: 有一定的类似。不同的是所有的产品上架之前都经过了真正的审查。你知道你能够完全信任产品的质量。
Sort of, except that all the products have actually been vetted before they go on the platform for truth on label. You know that you can trust the quality of the product.
Annie Deng: 你喜欢Inner Origin的哪方面?What do you love about Inner Origin?
Sylvia Tyers: 所有的一切!Inner Origin是个完整的解决方案,来自澳大利亚。你可以帮助本地商人扩大他们的业务规模,帮助人们创造属于自己的业务,并且拥一个健康的生活方式。一个网站,一个订单,一份运费。
Everything! We have been in direct sales before and loved the concept but there was something missing. Inner Origin is the full package. It’s Australian, you’re helping local merchants expand their businesses plus helping people create a business of their own and have a healthy lifestyle. It’s one website, one order, one delivery fee. .
Annie Deng: 对于任何想购买有机产品的人来说,他们可以直接到Inner Origin网站购买产品。For anyone who wants to buy organic products, can they go to the Inner Origin website and purchase products directly.
Sylvia Tyers: 是的,我可以给每个人建立一个免费账户。我们目前有很多优惠折扣活动,你只需联系我,然后我会介绍给你每个细节。
Yes, after I have set them up with a free account. We’re currently having some amazing offers, just get in touch with me and I’ll go through everything with you.
希尔薇娅·泰尔斯的联系方式 Sylvia Tyers’ Contact Details
Click here to visit Sylvia’s website
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