Essential Oil Queen Alison Clark’s Parenting Story
My Kids Make Me A Better Person
About Alison Clark 澳洲育儿故事主人公简介: 艾莉森·克拉克
婚姻状况 Marital Status: 已婚Happily Married
孩子年龄 Number of Kids & Age:3个孩子(5岁、3岁和2岁)3 kids (age 5, 3, 2)
宠物 Pets: 狗dog
居住城市 City: 澳大利亚新南威尔士州NSW, Australia
职业Occupation: 自由职业Self employed
公司名: Alison’s Essential Love (艾莉森的精油挚爱)
育儿中最大的挑战是什么 Biggest parenting challenge: 一直都很大压力,即使不跟孩子在一起,还是会很惦记他们It’s so stressful all the time and it just doesn’t ever turn off.
孩子最喜欢的书和游戏 Kid’s favourite book, game: 《暴躁的灰黑熊》(The Very Cranky Bear – by Nick Bland) 《前进的蚂蚁》 (The Ants Go Marching), 蹦蹦床 (trampoline)
孩子最喜欢的食物Kid’s favourite food: 新鲜食物,甜椒和土豆西瓜和菠萝苹果和香蕉lot of fresh food, capsicum & potato, watermelon & pineapple, apples and bananas
孩子最喜欢的一次旅行Kid’s favourite holiday: 煎锅溪。新南威尔士州的一个露营地 Frying pan creek, a campground in the national park in New South Wales.
给带小孩儿旅行父母的建议Tips for parents travelling with kids: :做好充分准备Be organised
育儿经 Parenting Tip: 相信自己!没有人比你更了解你的孩子了。同时尽量选择天然物品,我第一个孩子的时候没有意识到,我真的很希望自己当时有了解更多。Trust yourself! No one knows your child more than you do. I also think natural options are great in the home. I didn’t have them with my first child and I really wish I looked into it some more.
“The unconditional love that they give you, and how much I learn from them every single day. They were the catalyst for me to do self-development because I found Tulley really challenging when he was younger. It was like these behavioural things he was learning from me. That made me start to reflect back on myself. Now when the kids are doing something I don’t want them to do, or they’re behaving in a certain way, because they’re with me all the time I know it’s me. What do I have to do to change me so that they don’t display that behaviour anymore?”
We play a game where we say something nice to everyone in the family. Everyone gets a turn a tell people why they love them, and they also get to hear special things about themselves.”
——艾莉森·克拉克 ( Alison Clark )
Alison is an essential oil lover who owns a business called Alison’s Essential Love. Alison is passionate about natural and wholesome products that uplift and enrich our lives.
Alison currently lives in NSW and is a busy full time mum to 3 young children as much as she love her work, she loves to put her children first as she does want to miss out on her kids growing up.
艾莉森是一个精油爱好者,有自己的精油公司,叫做“Alison’s Essential Love (艾莉森的精油挚爱)”。艾莉森喜欢能够提升生活品质,滋养生命的自然、健康的产品。
采访人:Annie Deng – 安妮·邓
Join Annie Deng, a top marketing strategist and storyteller as she brings your story to life to educate the Chinese people about Australia and raise your business profile within the Chinese community.
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Annie Deng安妮·邓,澳洲顶级营销战略家, 高级翻译, 澳洲通, 中澳混血妈妈,移民澳大利亚十多年,现任澳洲投资房贷 Mortgage Corp市场总监。Annie采访来自各行各业的澳大利亚西人父母,从普普通通的清洁工,老师,工程师到赫赫有名的公司老总及澳洲政府官员, 通过真实的澳洲育儿访谈故事为中国和世界介绍展示澳洲淳朴的风土人情,丰富多彩的生活及澳洲经商之道。让广大华人客观全面了解澳大利亚教育,礼仪,生活,风光,商务及生意经。
Parenting Story Interview Transcript 访谈纪录
Annie Deng:跟我说说你自己吧?Tell me a little bit about yourself?
Alison Clark: I am a business owner, wife and mum of 3 kids: Tulley is 5, Hardy is3, and Saylee is 2. Tulley is adventurous, the leader and intelligent. Hardy is soft, caring and rough and tumble. Saylee is fun, playful and very creative/imaginative.
Growing up, I was always the stubborn child or whatever, and it’s only recently that I’ve realised that I can use that strong will for something good. I’m really passionate about things that I believe in. I’ve also got really strong integrity. I am strong willed, generous and thoughtful. My husband and I are conscious parents, and try to make a conscious decision in every moment as to the best for our children and us.
I love cooking, baking especially. Bakings soothes my soul.
Annie Deng:孩子们呢?塔雷喜欢做些什么?The kids. What does Tulley like to do?
Alison Clark: 能让他动起来就行。他总是想去骑个自行车呀;去外面走一走,冒个险呀;或者在周围跑一跑,滑滑他的滑板车之类的。就是能让他运动起来的。他也很聪明,喜欢学东西。喜欢看个纪录片啊,学些什么新知识。昨天他看了一个讲乌龟的纪录片,然后在吃晚饭时他就一直在说 “有薄饼龟,有这个,有那个”。他过目不忘,所以他什么都能记住。
Anything physical. He always wants to be riding his bike or going for a walk and having an adventure or having a run around or riding his scooter. Something where he’s moving. He’s also really intellectual. He likes to learn things. To watch a documentary and learn something. He watched one on turtles yesterday and all through dinner he was like, ‘there’s a pancake tortoise, and there’s this, and there’s that’. He’s got a photographic memory, so they just memorise everything.
Annie Deng:那哈迪呢?Hardy?
Alison Clark: 他是那个只想坐下来看本书,喜欢拥抱的那个。他们都喜欢画画和做手工,但如果可以的话哈迪可以一整天都坐那儿画画。他是更倾向于艺术创造的那种。
He’s the one that just wants to sit down and read a book and have a cuddle. They all love their art and craft, but he’ll sit and paint all day if you let him. He’s a bit more on the creative side.
Annie Deng:萨莉呢?她只有两岁了?And Saylee, she’s only two?
Alison Clark: 对。她就像一群当中照顾大家的那个。她总是走哪儿都抱着一个玩偶或洋娃娃,很呵护它们。她也很有创造力。我发现,如果他们画画或填色,萨莉和哈迪会比塔雷要坐得久的多。每天我们送塔雷去幼儿园之前,萨莉必须画张画才让我们走。她的想象力,就是有时她说的话,还有她玩的游戏,那些她自己想象出来的东西,真的很棒。
Yeah. She’s like the little mother hen of the group. She’s always got a doll or a baby or something that she’s carrying around and looking after. She’s really creative as well. I find that if they’re doing art, Saylee and Hardy will sit there for much longer than Tulley will, drawing or colouring. Every day before we drop Tulley at preschool, Saylee will have to draw a picture before we’re allowed to go. Her imagination, when I hear her talking and the games that she’s playing, just the imagination she comes up with is amazing.
Annie Deng:她还没有去幼儿园吗?She’s at home still?
Alison Clark: 对,除了塔雷他们都还在家。塔雷一周上三天幼儿园,另外两个一直在家跟着我。
Yeah, they’re all at home still except for Tulley. Tulley does preschool three days a week. And the other two are at home with me all the time.
Annie Deng:那你现在跟我聊天,谁在照看他们?Who’s looking after the kids now that you’re talking with me?
Alison Clark: 我丈夫看着他们呢,转移他们的注意力。他今天不上班。他的工作不是正常周一到周五工作的那种,他今晚和明晚工作,然后休息五天。这样在一定程度上也更能分担我的担子。
My husband’s got them distracted. He’s off today. He doesn’t work a normal Monday to Friday week. He works tonight and tomorrow night, and then he’s got five days off. It helps in a way.
Annie Deng:可以问你没有把哈迪和萨莉送去托儿所的原因是什么吗?You’re trying to run your own business, can I ask any reason you haven’t sent Hardy and Saylee to childcare?
Alison Clark: 我们是在有孩子之前就想好了的。因为我丈夫和我从高中起就在一起了。我们一直以来的想法就是想要有人在家陪着孩子。在我有了塔雷之后第一次重新开始工作时,有一小段时间,他每周在一个家庭日间托儿所呆一天,但他就是不喜欢那里。我觉得哈迪和萨莉肯定是要比塔雷更敏感了,他俩在别人周围很小心,得过段时间才能跟别人熟起来。
We just made a decision before we had kids because my husband and I have been together since high school. We always wanted someone to be at home with the kids. Tulley, when I first went back to work after I had him, he did one day a week at a family day care for a short period, and he just didn’t like it. I think Saylee and Hardy are definitely more sensitive. They’re really cautious around other people and it takes them a while to build a connection.
Annie Deng:那你觉得把他们留在家里对他们来说更好吗?You feel that keeping them at home would be better for them?
Alison Clark: 社交这块儿一直以来都是我们很注意培养孩子的部分。他们每周都会去公园的游乐场,所以他们会跟别的小朋友玩。有时我们也会去图书馆。而且我们一起去公园的时候不是说爸爸妈妈跟你们在公园玩,而是他们去公园玩这样他们就可以交些新朋友了。所以我们一直就有这样一个体系,就是如果我们要在公园呆两小时,你们必须得自己去玩一小时,或者去找到一个小伙伴,交一个新朋友,然后跟他们玩一小时。之后你们可以回来,我们再一起去滑滑梯,荡秋天。
The social thing was always something that we were aware of. They go to playgroup every week so that they’re playing with other kids or we go to the library and when we go to the park it’s not about mum and dad going to the park to play with you. It’s going to the park so that you can make some friends. So we always have had a system where we’ll go, and if we’re going to be there for 2 hours, you have to go and play on your own for an hour. Or go and find a friend and make a friend and play with them for an hour. And after that you can come back and we’ll go on the slides and swings together.
we just decided that we wanted to be able to spend the most amount of time with them. Because my husband doesn’t work the normal working week, we travel a lot. It just doesn’t fit in with our lifestyle.
The other thing too is that it’s so expensive for childcare.If I had gone back into work in the job I was doing, I would basically just have been working just to pay for childcare.
Annie Deng:抚养孩子对你来说最大的挑战是什么?What’s the greatest challenge in raising your kids?
Alison Clark: 就是一直都压力很大,从来没有停的时候。即便是说你今天出去,丈夫看孩子,你还是惦记着他们,想着他们在干什么,或者他们在哪儿,或者我是不是在错过他们成长的美好的时刻… 没有一刻停歇的。我觉得这一点是我没有料到的。
It’s so stressful all the time and it just doesn’t ever turn off. Even if I am going out for the day and my husband’s looking after the kids, you still have it in the back of your mind. Thinking what are they doing, or where are they at, or am I missing out… It’s so constant. I guess I wasn’t expecting that.
Annie Deng:你是如何找到时间忙你的生意,你的店,社交媒体,还有和我聊的?How do you find the time for your business, the workshops, social media, talking to me etc?
Alison Clark: 他们现在还是会在白天的时候睡一觉。所以那个时间我是会去处理我的社交媒体这样的事情的。 我会把电话会议安排在我知道他们会睡着的时候。或者在晚上他们睡了的时候处理这些事务。亦或者我会等到我丈夫休息的时候再处理这些事情。要是我丈夫去工作了,而我得去办公,我会请朋友帮忙照看我的孩子。
They all have a sleep during the day still. So that time I use to do my social media and all that sort of stuff. I schedule in my phone call meetings in the times I know they’re going to be asleep. Or I do it in the evening when I know they’re in bed. Or I’ll wait for my husband to be off and take some time. If my husband’s off to work and I need to have a workshop, I’ll ask a friend to have the kids.
Annie Deng:你最喜欢做母亲的哪一点? What do you love most about being a parent?
Alison Clark: 他们给你的无条件的爱。还有每天都从他们身上学到很多东西。他们让我开始寻求自我发展。因为塔雷更小一点的时候很有挑战性。就好像他的一些行为方式是从我这里学来的。这让我开始反思自己。每当孩子做出一些我不喜欢的事或者行为不当时,我知道是我的过,因为他们一直和我在一起。我会想,我要怎样做才能改变自己,然后他们也就会跟着改变?
The unconditional love that they give you, and how much I learn from them every single day. They were the catalyst for me to do self-development because I found Tulley really challenging when he was younger. It was like these behavioural things he was learning from me. That made me start to reflect back on myself. Now when the kids are doing something I don’t want them to do, or they’re behaving in a certain way, because they’re with me all the time I know it’s me. What do I have to do to change me so that they don’t display that behaviour anymore?
Annie Deng:你平时喜欢和孩子干什么?What do you enjoy doing with your kids?
Alison Clark: 我很喜欢和孩子们去公园,因为我喜欢看他们和外界互动。我很喜欢观察人们,而且我发现观察我自己的孩子很有意思。还有看他们怎么去接近另一个人,我们怎么教他们介绍自己,问对方的名字,就是社交技巧,都很有意思。我很开心能观察到这些。但我同时也喜欢和他们一起跳上秋千,一起去滑滑梯。和他们开心地玩,然后不担心把家里搞乱,或者担心还有五缸衣服要洗等等这样的事情。你在开心地玩的时候,忧虑就自然而然地渐渐消失了。
I really like going to the park because I like watching them interact. I love people-watching and I find it really interesting to watch my kids and see how they go up to somebody else and how we try to teach our kids to introduce themselves and ask the other person their name, social skills. I love being able to watch that. But I also love jumping on the swings with them or going down the slide with them. Having fun and not worrying about the house being a bomb or the five loads of washing to do or any of that stuff. Your worries just melt away when you’re having fun.
Annie Deng:作为母亲,你目前为止最自豪事是什么?What is your proudest parenting moment so far?
Alison Clark: 每次我的孩子学会某种新技能之类的新东西都是。我记得塔雷刚开始上幼儿园时,他以前从来没离开过家,我非常担心他会紧张或害怕。但他迈着大步,亲了我一下和我道别,然后就跑去玩了。
Every time my kids learn a new skill or does something new. I remember Tulley starting pre-school, he’d never been in care before and I was so worried he would be anxious or scared. He took it all in his stride, kissed me good bye and went off to play.
Annie Deng:你们旅行去过什么地方是你们和孩子们特别特别喜欢的?Have you travelled anywhere with your children that you and your children just absolutely loved?
Alison Clark: 煎锅溪。是一个新南威尔士州国家公园里的一个露营地。我们经常去露营。露营就是我家孩子们总在谈论的假日。那里手机没信号!!我们就得放松,然后享受互相的陪伴,不受外界任何打扰。
Frying pan creek.It’s a campground in the national park in New South Wales. We go camping a lot.That’s the holiday our kids always talk about. There was no phone service!! We just got to relax, enjoy each other without any outside disturbances.
We just walked around looking for rocks or sticks. We had a fire so we’d go and find firewood. The kids took their trucks in the creek. Just simple things that took up time.
Annie Deng:你对于带着小孩儿旅行的父母们有什么好的建议吗?What tips can you offer parents travelling with young kids?
Alison Clark: 做好充分准备!! 我总会记得带上尿不湿,纸巾,替换的衣物,鞋子,小吃零食,还有一袋方便取用的水。我还会带上一包玩具好让他们有得玩。
Be organised!!! I make sure I have nappies, wipes, change of clothes, shoes, snacks and water in a bag that is easy to get to. I also make sure they have a little bag of toys so they have something to keep them entertained.
Annie Deng:你孩子最爱吃的菜是什么?What’s your children’s favorite dish?
Alison Clark: 我们喜欢多吃新鲜食物,就是没有经过任何加工处理的食物。
- 哈迪喜欢灯甜椒和土豆
- 萨莉的最爱是西瓜和菠萝
- 塔雷爱吃苹果和香蕉
We eat a lot of fresh food, that isn’t processed in any way.
- Hardy loves capsicum & potato
- Saylee’s favourite is watermelon & pineapple
- Tulley enjoys apples and bananas
Annie Deng:你最喜欢的游戏,书和玩具是什么?What’s your favourate games/books/toys?
Alison Clark: 我喜欢《暴躁的灰黑熊》。蹦蹦床。
I love
- The Cranky Bear book.
- The trampoline
- We play a game where we say something nice to everyone in the family. Everyone gets a turn a tell people why they love them, and they also get to hear special things about themselves
- At the moment it’s the ants go marching.
Annie Deng:你跟你丈夫是怎么分享父母这一角色的呢? How are you sharing your parenting role with your husband?
Alison Clark: 我们平均分配。我丈夫要工作,所以他上班时就能帮多少帮多少。他休息时就可以扮演一个积极得多的角色了。他是我们两个中好玩的那个。他总是能想出好玩的游戏,或带孩子们做好玩的或冒险刺激的事情。他会带他们去灌木丛中散个步,我们都会去,但他是那个做这些有意思的事情的人。
We both contribute evenly. My husband works so when he’s working he does what he can, when he’s off he takes a much more active role in parenting. He’s the fun one. He’s always coming up with the fun games or doing the fun, adventurous things. He’ll take them out in the bush and walk around. We’ll all go, but he’s the one who does those interesting things. Around the house, he’ll do the washing and the cooking. He doesn’t really cook, but he’ll do the washing or the cleaning or whatever jobs need to be done.
Annie Deng:你如何平衡生活与工作?How do you keep a work-life balance?
Alison Clark: 我在孩子们睡的时候工作,或我丈夫在家能看他们的时候。我发现我其实想花更多时间工作,但我不想错过孩子的成长。
I work when my kids are in bed or when my husband is home and can watch them. I find I don’t do as much work as I would like, but I don’t want to miss out on my kids growing up.
Annie Deng:你平时如何给自己放松缓解压力?Self care- what do you do for yourself to recharge?
Alison Clark: 各种方式!!!我每天都会用色彩疗法和精油。可以的时候我会自己去遛狗,我会静下来呼吸,冥想,我会吃好的有营养的食物。我近来刚开始去做美甲,或者去美发师那里做个头发。而且我们家里有很多水晶球,我丈夫会用灵气疗法。
I do lots!!! Everyday I use colour therapy & essential oils. I walk my dog on my own (when I can!), I do breathing, I meditate, I eat good nourishing food. I’ve just started going to get my nails done or I’ll go to the hairdresser and get my hair done. We also have lots of crystals in our home and my husband does reiki.
Annie Deng:跟其他父母分享下你的育儿经验吧!Share a few tips with other parents and especially new parents!
Alison Clark: 相信自己!没有人比你更了解自己的孩子了。同时尽量选择天然物品,我第一个孩子的时候没有意识到,我真的很希望自己当时有了解更多。
Trust yourself! No one knows your child more that you do. I also think natural options are great in the home. I didn’t have them with my first child and I really wish I looked into it some more.
Annie Deng:我们聊聊你的生意吧。你2016年9月份的时候开始了你的生意,那你是怎么决定开始做精油生意的呢?Let’s talk about your business, you started your business in September 2016. How did you get into the business?
Alison Clark: 我的孩子们大了一点,我也发现我想要一些关于自己的、不涉及孩子的东西!
My kids are getting a little bit older and I was finding that I wanted some ‘me’ that didn’t involve them!
I went to a doTERRA workshop four months ago and thought ‘these sound pretty cool’ and gave them a go. I got my oils in September 2016 and by December I decided that this was definitely something I’m interested in pursuing as a business.
Annie Deng:为什么选择多特瑞?Why doTERRA?
Alison Clark: 它的品质。我自己使用多特瑞精油的时候,我可以感受到它跟我之前一直在用的精油的区别。同时这个公司是用诚信和道德在经营。
The quality. When I use the oils, I could tell the difference between the oils I had been using previously and doTERRA. Also I think that the integrity and the ethic that the company is run with.
One of the founders of doTERRA has just relocated to China because it’s such a big market.
Annie Deng:人们买多特瑞精油的理由是什么? 健康,肌肤护理,还是?Why should people buy the product? Health, skincare…?
Alison Clark: 我之前总是有各种肌肤问题。湿疹,或皮肤特别干。我不想把有毒性的产品沾到自己孩子身上。我那时已经更加有意识地去看那些产品里面到底含有什么。以前我可没有仔细看过标签。但当我看到婴儿产品里有石油化工成分,然后这个那个里面又有有毒性的化学成分,我就在想 “天啊,这是怎么回事?” 所以我们花了很长一段时间经历了一个换为使用天然产品的过程。与此同时,我们的饮食结构也在发生变化,所以现在的我们只吃植物类食物。而且当时去找既是天然又是纯素的,而且又在我们预算之内的产品也很不容易。我们当时是单收入家庭所以我们负担不起太贵的。然后有一次我听说了多特瑞,他们的产品都是无毒性的,而且大部分是纯素的,这就符合了我们的要求。我现在从他们那儿买我家的日用品。洗发水,护发素,只要你能想到的我都从那儿买。而且对我来说,那些精油给了我另一层感情支持。我丈夫工作一走就是四十小时的工作,所以这五天的时间当中,都是我自己在家看三个孩子。压力很大,我都应付不来。因为我们的家人没有住在我们的城市里,所以基本上我就是靠自己。那些精油可以在我需要精神支持的时候给予我精神支持,所以我就不会一直都是个疲惫而暴躁妈妈了。我变得很开心。我的孩子们也开心。然后大家都还睡得很好。所以那些精油给予我的精神支持,我真是欠它们太多了,太多东西要归功于它们了。那些精油真的改变了我和我孩子们的生活。
I always had various different skin conditions. Eczema, or just really dry skin. I didn’t want to put toxic products onto my children. I became more aware of what’s actually in them. I wasn’t one to read labels before. When I started reading that there’s petrol chemicals in baby products and there’s this toxic chemical in this product. It’s like ‘oh my gosh, what’s going on?!’. So we went through a process for a long time of swapping over to natural products. While we did that, our diet also changed so that now we only eat plant-based foods. It was also really hard to find a natural product that was also vegan that fit in with our budget. We were a one-income family so we just couldn’t afford it. And then once I learned about doTERRA and all of their products are non-toxic and most of them are vegan. That ticked the box for us. From them I now get our supplements, I get our shampoos and conditioners and everything that you can think of I buy from them. The other thing for me was the emotional side of support the oils gave me. Being at home with three kids, when my husband works he’s gone for fourteen hours so you’re at home on your own for five days. It’s all very stressful for me and I wasn’t coping. We don’t have family in the town we live in so i was on my own basically. The oils just gave me that emotional support when I needed it so that I wasn’t just a tired, cranky mum all the time. I was happy, and the kids were happy, and everyone slept well. So that emotional support the oils were giving me, I owe them so much. They’ve definitely changed my life and our kids’ lives.
Annie Deng:你喜欢工作的哪些方面?What do you love about your work?
Alison Clark: 它给予我的自由。如果我需要的话,我可以带上孩子去搞活动里。可以在公园做活动。我的工作也带给我属于自己的时间和自由。我可以想带孩子去工作的时候就带上他们,但如果我需要一些自我空间的话,不想带也可以不带。所以自由是一大项。还有就是经济方面。
The freedom that it gives me. I can take my kids to workshops if I need to. I can have one at the park. It also gives me freedom away from them. I can incorporate them into my work when I want to but I can also not have them there if I don’t want to. If I need some time away. So freedom would be the big thing. And the financial as well.
Annie Deng:大家如何能够更多地了解你的产品,跟你联系呢? How can people find out more about your product get in touch with you?
Alison Clark: 可以发邮件给我,电话,或短信,还可以在Facebook和Instagram上找到我。
They can email me, they can call or text me, they can use my Facebook page. I’m also on Instagram.
艾莉森·克拉克的联系方式 Alison Clark’s Contact Details
手机: 0419431162
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